Milan, Italy, 11 June 2019. The Transparent Restoration laboratory, inside the Pinacoteca di Brera. Paola Borghese, Sofia Incarbone and Ilaria Negri, who together with Andrea Carini constitute the restoration team of the Pinacoteca, are engaged in the observation operation of the painting Madonna with Child by Marco D'Oggiono (painted around 1520). Sofia explains: "Before proceeding with the restoration of a painting, it is necessary to perform a series of cognitive investigations. In this case we performed multispectral imaging with photographic and reflectographic techniques (in visible light, visible grazing, infrared and ultraviolet, ) that allow us to gain some information about the production technique and the conservation history of the work, which will be integrated with the historical information that we already know. At this point we did some cleaning tests to find a suitable method to thin out the present paint surface - not original one, which is now yellowed and opaque. The cleaning operation serves to attenuate the visual disturbance created by the yellowed paint and enables us to restore as much as possible the correct chromatic relationships in respect of the original material, taking into account the conservation history of the work and its state of preservation ".
Milano, Italia, 11 giugno 2019. Il laboratorio Restauro Trasparente, all’interno della Pinacoteca di Brera. Paola Borghese, Sofia Incarbone e Ilaria Negri, che insieme ad Andrea Carini costituiscono il team di restauro della Pinacoteca, sono impegnate nell’operazione di osservazione del dipinto Madonna con Bambino di Marco d’Oggiono (1520 ca.) Sofia racconta: "Prima di procedere con il restauro di un dipinto è necessario eseguire una serie di indagini conoscitive. In questo caso abbiamo effettuato l'imaging multispettrale con tecniche fotografiche e riflettografiche (in luce visibile, visibile radente, infrarosso e ultravioletto) che permettono di avere alcune informazi